The EPN Central Bureau was created at the EUREF symposium in Tromso in June 2000.
It is located at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, avenue Circulaire 3, B-1180 Brussels.
The Network Coordinator (head of the EPN Central Bureau) chairs the EPN Coordination Group.
The EPN Central Bureau is responsible for the day-to-day general management
of the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network, following the directives of the EUREF Technical Working Group :
- Maintains the EPN CB and performs a long-term coordination role to ensure that EUREF participants contribute to the service in a consistent and continuous manner and adhere to EUREF standards.
- Verifies that the EPN CB receives and all information about stations, centres, networks, data flow, data holdings, product generation, product availability, addresses. Makes this information available to the user community.
- Instructs new stations/centres about EUREF/IGS standards and coordinate their introduction in the network.
- Coordinates the topology of the network: stations to be included/excluded, allocation of stations to data centres (together with the data flow coordinator) and to analysis centres (together with the analysis coordinator).
- Coordinates the flow of information towards the International GPS Service (IGS) and other organisations.
- Interfaces with the IGS to assure the compatibility of IGS and EUREF and the collaboration in projects of common interest.
- Preserves harmonisation of standards between EUREF and the IGS.
- Coordinates between the EPN Projects.
- Organises reports, workshops and meetings dealing with different aspects of the permanent GNSS network.
- Reports to the EUREF Technical Working Group and prepares, in collaboration with all participating agencies, a yearly report.
- Publishes documents required for the satisfactory planning and day-to-day operation of the Service, including standards, guidelines and specifications.
Carine Bruyninx, Head |
Dominique Mesmaker |
Fabian Roosbeek |
Ann Moyaert |
Juliette Legrand |
Andras Fabian |
Former members :
Oleg Khoda (2007-2008) |
Quentin Baire (2010-2017) |